
We produce Sweden's largest course in professional mobile film production. Take an open course or order the course for your own organization. For those of you who can already produce film and just want to learn how Clipsk works, there is our popular course Clipsk Lab - an intensive half day that teaches you everything you need to know about graphics on moving images. Note: all courses are currently in Swedish.

Clipsk Labb
Everything you need to know about Clipsk and how to use graphics on a moving image.

Make your stories stand out - instead of blending in. Learn purpose and goals of storytelling and writing for social media.

Film production in your mobile phone
In this course you will learn the entire production chain, from script to publication.

Accessibility in social media
In this course, we have gathered practical approaches that help your business to work with accessibility.

Upcomming courses

Clipsk Labb digital course



“Great and clearly the best course I have taken in ages, maybe the best ever. The set-up was super and you were really inspired. Thanks! I will live this for a long time. "

Marlene Widenborg, Peab Support AB


“Concrete, tangible, understandable - thank you Helena and Mats for a quick review of Clipsk. Just as important as raising the level of knowledge among the communication officers was also the great feeling of wanting to accelerate and produce at the same time. ”

Ingrid Claesson, Communication Director, Partille Kommun


“Thank you for all the inspiration and motivation! Now we are more who dare to take the step outside our comfort zone. Clipsk is simple and fun to use and takes mobile film to new levels. ”

Nicole Thorén, Stockholms Universitet